INTERVIEW :: Wayne Thomas Batson

I interviewed Wayne Thomas Batson! (Author of The Door Within Trilogy, as well as The Berinfell Prophecies.) Here are his replies!

1. What was the first story you EVER wrote? And did it involve dragons, wyverns,
or any fantastical creatures of any kind? The first story I can remember was a Halloween short story for a contest back in the 6th grade. It didn’t have any dragons in it or wyverns, but there were freaky monsters and ghosts. I remember a scene where the main character triggered a trapdoor in one of the haunted house’s bedrooms and went sliding down a chute into a basement full of ghouls. Wish I could find the story. It would be a good laugh. Indeed, it sound fascinating. 🙂

2. As a Christian author, how does God being in your life influence your
writing? God has changed my whole worldview. And God is the creative Genius who fuels my stories. Honestly, I can just be riding down the road and POOF, a fully formed story idea zaps into my mind. Often, I scribble ideas on the back of my church bulletin because something in the sermon or in a praise song triggers a story idea. But then, as I work through the novel, I give a lot of thought to making the characters real, that they are challenged and struggle with things that Christians struggle with–and actually things that all humanity struggles with. I want my readers to be prompted to ask the BIG QUESTIONS of life. And I know that Jesus is the ONLY answer to those questions. Absolutely. The ever-present Sunday school answer (“Jesus!”) is usually the best.

3. It says on the back of your book that you teach Reading and English to
middle-schoolers. A. That is pretty much the bomb. B. Has having students
affected the way you write? Brilliant question. Seriously, my students have inspired my writing to the point where, if I hadn’t been a teacher, I don’t know that I ever would have been an author. I field test all my novels on my students to see if they like it. We have deep literary discussions that ROCK reading class like never before. To quote another author, “Kids are much more intelligent and perceptive than most adults give them credit for being.” And because of that, my students are a HUGE help.
I can’t help but agree: We young do tend to be quite wise…

4. Do you have any particular writing habbit? i.e. Drinking coffee, listening to
classical music, bursting into spontaneous bouts of Yoga? Diet soda for me. Protein Bars. I listen to progressive metal music, the more symphonic and cinematic, the better. It serves two purposes: 1) it’s loud enough that it blots out distractions and 2) it’s epic, which of course, inspires epic stories.
Yep. Whenever I think “Wayne Thomas Batson” my mind always gone straight to “metal music.”

5. What five adjectives best describe you? Mercurial, creative, introspective, fun-loving, and searching.

6. Has anybody ever told you that your Shelfari profile picture makes you look a
bit like an evil mustachioed Count?

Uhm…yeah, I’ve had people say similar things. I admit, it’s kind of a sinister look for me. I was just messing around with my Mac’s photobooth program, and I kinda liked the look. lol
I think I need to get me a Mac.

7. What is your favorite author/book/book series and why? Lord of the Rings. I could write a novel as to why it’s my favorite. In short, it’s an epic adventure that takes you into wondrous land full of interesting people. But there’s also something about the culture in the book that I LONG for, a simpleness of life, getting together with friends for a merry time, all things green and growing…ah, I often wonder if Heaven will be like that. I think the odds are pretty good. 🙂

8. What person has most inspired you in your writing? That’s really hard to say. I had a poetry teacher at a local college. She really helped me to understand the importance of language–even at the word level. Make your words count. Never settle for weak words–that kind of thing.

9. What is your best advice to the young writer/bloggers of this generation? Write. Seriously. If you want to write for a career, then read tons and write tons. Learn from other writers. What do they do to craft a cool story? Pay attention in school. All that grammar stuff…turns out, it really does matter.

10. What is your favorite Bible verse and why? I really don’t have “A” favorite verse. I have tons. But one of the ones I find myself reciting is Romans 8:38-39: 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. It reminds me that God’s hold on us cannot be broken by satan, by the troubles of this world, not even by ourselves when we are our own worst enemy–God will not ever let us go. Amen.

Mr. Batson, thank you for doing this interview with me. And to all of you who enjoyed the interview, check out Wayne’s blog at

“The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp” by Richard Yancey :: Alfred Kropp

This is a story of sacrifice. Mr. Yancey has succeeded in writing a contemporary and highly enjoyable book that A. Doesn’t stink. B. Has Ferraris, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguars, and a horse. (But man is it an awesome horse.) and C. Has a plot based on the King Arthur.

Can you spell “COOOOOLNESS!!!” (I can. C-O-O-O…)


Alfred Kropp is a large (not fat, just big,) 15 year old boy with a lack of purpose in life. His father is gone, his mother died of cancer, and the closest thing he has to family is his middle-aged, money-craving Uncle Farrell- what is there to try for? He doesn’t like football, which his therapist has decided he needs to play. (And he isn’t very good at it either.) He likes reading, listening to rap music, and Amy Pouchard that sits across from him in class. Uncle Farrell says that none of these things will get him anywhere in life. And what Uncle Farrell says goes.

That’s why when he introduces a shady deal concerning a centuries-old sword and one million dollars cash, Alfred goes along. Uncle Farrell is all that’s keeping him out of the foster care system. But the sword turns out to be worth than a million dollars- even, to some, more than a million lives. And that may, when all is said and done, be it’s true price.

Alfred Kropp, boy blunder, fights alongside modern-day knights, members of the agency OIPEP, and plenty of other gun-slinging, sword-swinging figures to boot. But every effort made, even the sacrifice of his life, may not be enough to defeat the unbeatable sword: Excalibur.


Whoa. Whoa. Overload of Whoa.

“It was like standing underneath a waterfall and trying to drink it.” -Jonathan Roger’s The Charlatan’s Boy

That was good. It ain’t always this easy to find a book that good. I loved the first person writing, the character’s voice was very original, and the way he said things made me smile. There was only one swear word in the book that I noticed, and it was extremely brief. The dialogue was (I know you know it) brilliant, and the narrative was superb. There was also a focus on angels and heaven that may or may not have been authentic on the author’s part. (The fact that it was hard to tell is what makes me unsure.) Excited for the next!

5 of 5 stars


“The Door Within” by Wayne Thomas Batson :: The Door Within Trilogy

The Door Within is a perfect example of a novel that shows the reality of the truths that a Christian believes in through story. (In this way it is akin to Lewis’ Narnia, Eastman’s Sages of Darkness, and a thousand other tales.) Christianity is a reality, not a fantasy. But it can be taught through fantasy, and in the case of The Door Within, taught very, very well.


Aidan Thomas just moved, and his life is ruined. No friends, parents that don’t understand him, and an old, wheezing grandfather that he has to take care of. The only people who will listen to him are some medieval figurines from his youth, silent and still; unquestioning.

Soon, though, Aidan is made aware of a world beyond his own, separated by a chasm of disbelief and unsurety. By crossing this chasm, Aidan is allowed into this world; a world at war. King Eliam, the wise and just ruler of The Realm, has been murdered by a traitor- Paragor. Eliam still rules, though not in body, but the forces of Paragory are daily growing stronger, preparing for an all out attack.

Aidan has been summoned to The Realm for a reason: To thwart Paragor in his attempts to gain control, and taken on the armor of the fabeled Twelfth Knight. But will he be able to fill such massive armor, and wield the sword Syl Furyn in the defense  of his King? Find out- and enter the Door Within.


Simply, magnificently, fantasmagoriphically awesome. This book, I would say, is like a simplified and less wordy version of Lewis’ “Narnia” series- traveling to another land to face the evils there and reveal the truth. LOVED it. My only negative criticism would be to say that at times Aidan, the teen main character, acts more like a 10 year old than a knight. Other than this, the book was brilliant.

4 of 5 stars


“Where the Sidewalk Ends” by Shel Silverstein

Invitation by Shel Silverstein
If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer…
If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in! Come in! 

Every poem in Silverstein’s Sidewalk Ends,
From their starts to their middles,
from their middles to their ends,
every poem to make think, to urge on, or to mend;
They were absolutely brilliant.

For sure, you should envy me
this gift I have received,
you would not have believed
Just how big my smile beamed when I saw it inside of my stocking.
If only you’d gotten for Christmas just this!
Yes, if only for Christmas just this.

It seemed every poem just got bester and bester.
(I really liked Sick and the Unfunny Jester.)
Here’s MY advice: Go get Sidewalk and read it.
There’s not much to do with such advice but heed it.


5 of 5 stars


“The Floating Island” by Elizabeth Haydon :: The Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme

I once wrote a post about judging books by their covers. The Floating Island was my case in point. Big dragon? Mm-hm, Mm-hm. (Not actually sure how the dragon fit into the story, but it sure looks cool.) Mysterious journals? That’s always gone well. Illustrations by Brett Helquist, past illustrator of Snicket’s Series of Unfortunate Events? YES.

And, in the voice of radio football announcers everywhere, I proclaim, “The book is… GOOOOOD!!!”


Charles Magnus Ven Polypheme (Ven for short,) named after his grandfather, Magnus the Mad, has a family with a history of doing unusual things.  Magnus moved the family out from underground, where their Nain ancestors had always lived and thrived, to the land of the humans above ground. Ven’s father Pepin worked on the seaside, building boats for well-paying businessmen. Ven himself is the thirteenth child in his family. With such strange kin, something unusual was bound to happen to Ven. And so it did.

This first abnormality took the shape of an albatross, carrying a gift. Then came a fiery battle at sea. Ven is thrown into the adventure he’s always desired: pirates, arrests, life bringing water, and undead monsters waiting in the darkness. But not everything is as it seems, as Ven soon finds, and the answers to his questions will come in the form of a final puzzle; a puzzle that can only be solved with the help of friends, the advice of a king, and a 400 year old measuring tool.


I wasn’t expecting this book to be incredible when I picked it up, mainly because I’d never heard of it before. However, it turns out that I should have heard of it. It was amazing. The story was enthralling, the characters were fascinating, and the book, overall, was worth 50 times what I payed for it. (That isn’t an exaggeration; I got it at a thrift store.) Well-worth reading, blogging friends.


4.5 of 5 stars
