“The Hunt for Dark Infinity” by James Dashner :: The 13th Reality

Mr. Dashner presents us with a very good book once more, but this one has some darker issues…


An illness is spreading across the Realities, causing all that come in contact with it to go completely and utterly mad. The Realitants are trying their best to combat the nano-Tech, but Chu Industries continues to- wait. Let me back up.

Tick, Paul, and Sofia are not your typical kids. Three months ago, they were brought together by a search for clues, a power  hungry banana-resembling criminal, and a quest for truth across the Realities. They defeated the villain, regained power for the Realitants, and over all, claimed victory.

But now, they have a new problem. Tick’s science teacher, Mr. Chu, is a nice guy. He loves to teach kids about atoms, geology, atmospheric pressure; everything “science”. Sometimes, he walks through the cemetery at night, for a shortcut.

This is the Mr. Chu of this Reality. But what if one of the other Chu’s, in another reality, was not so good? What if he strove only to elevate himself, at all costs? That would not be good. And now, I can say, that isn’t good.

Reginald Chu, evil mastermind and tyrant of the 4th Reality, has created a device that will, literally, drive everyone insane. Tick, Sofia, and Paul are once more summoned, needed to stop the spreading insanity before our reality, and all the other 12, go crazy.


A’right, here’s the deal-io. This book, just like it’s prequel, blew me away. The concept of multiple Realities was so very well used that I could have just breathed it in. (No, I do not suggest breathing books. The pages stick in your throat. Maybe eating, if you chew it well, but never breathing.)

But the problem with a thoroughly descriptive book is, some authors have a tendency to emphasize the creepy bits. In this book, James has done just that. With a book based on a plague that spreads insanity, there were plenty of opportunities, and he took many of them. It was okay at the start, but then he really delved into the details, and I felt like I had to hold the book a little farther away from me. 🙂 It just isn’t my thing, I guess, but, to each his own.

4.5 of 5 stars


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